Where to start? Who else but our poor Patrick Swayze?! I know we were really all pulling for him to make it past the new year and give us all the big 'F*** off' but he just couldn't quite make it. Patrick died at 57 so with the terminal illness penalty he got us 23 points! Oh, that's right, there's a few Death Poolers who did not have him on their lists. In fact, one of the Poolers even called the rest of us "Bottom Feeders" and that this one was just "too obvious". Apparently this Death Pooler kind of forgot that there is strategy when choosing your list. I won't name names but you know who you are Judy.
So we'll celebrate Patrick's life in pictures and song!

Ok, so one's a bad picture - but this is a DEATH blog.
I did say song, didn't I? Here you go - best part of the whole movie (this one's for you Judes!) Ok, what the rest of you don't know is that Judy tried doing this move at a strip club on "open stage" night. You were supposed to strip but Judy made some loser guy try to do this dance move. The manager of the club kept trying to get Judes to take her top off but the most Judes' showed was a little thigh. Hahahahaha
And one last picture of Patrick - kind of how he probably looks today. Only he's probably not kissing Demi. And he probably would be slipping her the tongue.
Ok - on to the rest of the deaths!
Again - weird animal deaths! This time it's Mr. Percival (call me Mr Percival!) the pelican. Yes, a pelican - and he was in a movie! And got billing! WTF?!
Also, King Titus the Gorilla. Who is King Titus you say? Who the F*** knows. But he made it on the obituaries out in the Internet. Here is the King and Mr. in better days.

Who out there remembers Peter Paul and Mary? Folksingers? Anyone? Ok, Judy and I do. Maybe Mike (doubt it). Maybe this song will ring a bell: Puff the Magic Dragon! Anyone? Ok, so it's a song about drugs. I did say they were "folksingers". Anyway, poor old Mary died. Not looking too good at the end - see below - before and after:

Not sure of her cause of death but I'm thinking maybe old Mary had some sort of "glandular" problem. Could have been all that "magic dragon" over the years.
What better version of the song than reggae!
Other notable deaths include:
Henry Gibson - quick trivia - who the hell is Henry Gibson? And what pioneering TV show was he a regular cast member of?
Larry Gelbart - writer of M*A*S*H* (TV show), Tootsie and A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. And about a million other shows.
Armey Archerd - greeter on the red carpet for the Academy Awards. Ok, he did other stuff too - I think he was a columnist for Hollywood trade papers. Who names their kid Armey?
Bob Stupak - 67 - leukemia. We all know Bob - he's famous for his Bob Stupak's Vegas World and the Stratosphere tower.
Melvin Simon - producer of the movie Porkies and he owned the Indiana Pacers. (weird!) So do you suppose all those bucks from Porkies bought the Indiana Pacers? Is there some irony there? Are there a lot of pig farms in Indiana? Ok, that one's a stretch.
Ok, speaking of weird - Weird deaths:
Baroness Chapman - Brittle Bone Disease (ouch!) AKA Osteogenesis Imperfecta. This is just not right. Poor Baroness.
Ron Raikes, Nebraska State Senator, found under a "Haybuster". No, not sexual (even though he is a politician) - he was a farmer and apparently was busting hay. Strangely, he was appointed senator after the previous guy's death. eeeeooooeee
Yoshito Usui - fell off a cliff. Well, they assumed that when they found him dead and broken at the bottom of the cliff. Coulda been pushed. Ok, the cliff somehow killed him.
Abdullah Laghmani - he was a leader of the Afgan Secret Service (they have one?) who died from a bomb! ok, more ironic than weird. So apparently the Afgan Secret Service is still kind of a work in progress.
Thabet bin Laden - don't get excited - he is just one of a multitude of siblings of the big guy.
Gertrude Baines - 115 years old! Died of a "suspected" heart attack. hahaha - "suspected" - she was 115! hahaha 'suspected' hahahaha. maybe she died of "suspected" older than shit disease.
And along with Gertrude is Fred Sherman. Fred was an economist and was 86. He died from "multiple health problems" No shit. Fred was 86! Some coroner really stuck his neck out on those two.
Let's update the standings:
Barb is still on top with 76 points. Her lead is quickly becoming insurrmountable but a few key deaths here and there and the rest of us could be back in it!
Sue's next with 41 and Bryan, John, Mike, David, Eddie trail closely behind.
Megs/Josh have 8 points and the following are at zero (see above comments on why some people did not choose Patrick Swayze) : Madeline, Carol and Judy.
So a quick update on some of our choices:
No word on the condition of Kim Jong Il but he can die happy after his brief spot in the limelight during Bill Clinton's visit. He looks so happy here:

And apparently Osama is still making recordings. Harmid Karzai was just re-elected (hmmm - see Afgan Secret Service bomb above). Dick Cheney recently seen on the Death Star having cocktails with Darth Vadar (who is seen here dishing up some nice drinks) Dick's looking much better after retirement, don't you think? Getting the color back in his cheeks.

And finally, a fab picture of Liz at some Michael Jackson gala or tribute or something (haven't they ended yet??)
Who else is thinking Liz needs to stay inside more? Like, away from cameras? and galas? and the general public? Kind of looking like she's got some ill-fitting dentures. And I'm beginning to believe that myth about people's ears and noses keep growing into old age. And, in Liz's case, lips apparently keep growing too.
Ok - well, that's the latest - let's all just keep having "the times of our lives" (ok, kind of sappy, sorry)
A glandular problem?!?! How about a It looks like John Madden and Donatella Versace had a love child problem!
ReplyDeleteI hope I die of suspected older than shit disease.
Also, Good job getting Kim Jong Il's name in the right order. Be honest-you had to look it up didn't you?
I did not have to look it up! I am very up to date on Korean name ettiquette