Budd Schulberg, author of On the Waterfront (I coulda been a contenda!)
John Hughes, 59, Heart Attack! Shit! Hitting a bit close to home for us other Baby Boomers. Mike - quick get to the gym! We all know his films: Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Sweet Sixteen, Vacation, Home Alone.
Andy Kessler, 48, American Skateboarder - died of A WASP STING. WTF!! Check this mother out:
Ok, not the wasp that killed poor Andy but this one did attack Mike out on our deck. So it was a really close call for Mike - he could have made the blog. Whew!
Les Paul, 94, inventor of the solid body electric guitar and pretty much thanks to him we have rock and roll. Has his own exhibit at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Also godfather to Steve Miller.
Robert Novak - famous conservative (how do you become famous for being a conservative?)
Ellie Greenwich, songwriter - "Chapel of Love" and "Be My Baby".
Dominick Dunne, author - covered OJ's first trial for Vanity Fair - then dragged himself off of his sick bed to cover the second in Las Vegas - guess he wanted to see justice finally served.
Jasmine Fiore and Ryan Jenkins - who? you say - actually kind of sad but more famous in death - she is a Playboy bunny and he is her husband who was on some lame reality show. Guess she pissed him off because he strangles her, cuts off her fingers and pulls out her teeth and beats it to Canada. Don't piss off Ryan! Shit! Ryan, not being too brilliant here, doesn't realize her breast implants have serial numbers that can be used to identify the body. Imagine if he had! (no, don't) So he hangs himself in his hotel. Happy ending to that Hollywood dream.
DJ AM, aka Adam Goldstein, 36, Overdose. This guy survives a fiery plane crash and keeps smoking crack?? Darwin's theory lives on....
And finally, to confirm that the British are just really weird:
- Sybil, Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office, Downing Street. Yes, really, a cat. They give a cat an official title - and -
Benson, 25 (yes! a 25 year old Carp!), "Britain's Biggest and Best Loved Carp". You read correctly, CARP. WTF! They actually kept track of this f'in big fish for the last 25 years! Her husband (haha) was named Hedges (get it? Benson and Hedges?? haha - that British humor is just too much!) She died with 300,000 eggs in her! So apparently her death was due to childbirth (don't read anything into this Meghann - you only have one) Attached are actual pictures of Sybil and Benson:
Now to update on some of our current picks who are still hanging on:
Patrick Swayze - in a wheelchair. Come on Patrick! Make it past Dec 31 and flip us off!
Michael Jackson - yes, I know, he's already dead but now we know he was actually MURDERED. Yes, murdered. Weird since I'm pretty sure he voluntarily submitted to receiving infusions of several sedatives and anesthesia - oh - and the 'tar heroin' rumored to be found in his bedroom? Just moldy weed. Forgot about that stash, eh MJ? Probably just as well, the mold would have killed him. hahahaha. ok, I'm sick. And because I know you can't get enough of Wacko Jacko, one more picture:

Fidel Castro - looking pretty perky in a 'recent' picture. Personally I thought his track suit looked padded (if you know what I mean, wink wink). Here's Fidel shaking his fist in the face of us dirty capitalists.
George Bush Sr - not at Teddy's funeral. Hmmmmmm.
Barbara Bush - not at Teddy's funeral. Hmmmmmm
Nancy Reagan - not at Teddy's funeral. Hmmmmm
Ok, maybe they all just hated Teddy - but I'm thinking some old people maybe weren't "up for the trip"
George Michael - in some sort of driving accident - walked away, must have staggered a bit since they tested him for DUI.
Gary Glitter - who cares? ok, Carol does, but really? Gary Glitter?
Elizabeth Edwards - not looking good but who would when they find out their cheating asshole husband has another kid with the woman he cheated on while you were fighting breast cancer. Ok, not confirmed with DNA, but thinking it's probably true.
Kim Il Jong - looked a bit pale and skinny in his photo op with Bill.
Mary Lou Retton - huh?
So, the current standings:
Barb, with an impressive 53 points - thinking that is unsurmountable (unless Mary Lou Retton kicks it)
Sue - 18
Meg/Josh - 8
Bryan - 3
John - 3
Everyone else: ZERO.
Ok - keep those Comments coming! Hello? Bueller?
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