Now to catch up on
the deaths since September:
Cliff Robertson - you all remember Cliff as Peter's uncle in Spiderman - but some of us remember Cliff from the Twilight Zone. Yes - Cliff was in a couple episodes. Here he is in one now with his little Navy friend. (we found it odd that the dummy was dressed as a sailor - use your imaginations)

Heidi the Opossum died! Yes! Heidi! Three years old - oh Heidi we hardl
y knew ye! Heidi resided in a Denmark zoo. This was big news in Denmark. They apparently really like their opossums there. Heidi has her own Facebook page: Heidi, das schielende opossum. Go Friend Heidi before she decomposes any more.
Anwar al -Awlaki and Samir Kahn both died in the same drone strike - Amercians turned terrorists. This has been a bad year for terrorists. Kind of strange that Carol has a whole list of obscure bad guys but fails to pick the ones that actually die! Ok, she did get Kim Jong Il but the rest of the list is a bunch of ex-Nazis and Jerry Lewis. We are still trying to figure out just what Jerry did to get on the old terrorist list. Why not have Gaddaffi on your list Carol? That's ok - no one did! How did we all miss that one?? We are contemplating making our list for 2012 comprised solely of middle eastern dictators. Here's a nice picture of Moammar (believe us - the best one without holes in his head). We like the headline best. (no - not the free milk from the booby chick)

So let's talk about some real losses this year: Steve Jobs - can we imagine our lives if he had never lived? Vaclav Havel (look him up) - leader of the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia - then president of the Czech Republic when the Czechs and the Slovaks broke up (it was a friendly divorce), Joe Frazier - heavyweight champ of the world - best known for beating Ali's brain to the pulpy mass it is today (ok, that sounds bad but he did win a Gold medal for the US in the Olympics), Harry Morgan - best known as the sidekick of Jack Webb on Dragnet and as Colonel Potter on M*A*S*H* - well, he was mostly a good guy - did get arrested for beating up his elderly wife when he was 80 or so - And we will really miss George Daniels. Who is George Daniels you say? He was a Horologist. Anyone who is a Horologist gets a shout out in this blog.
Al Davis died!
Another one we've had on the list before - we always thought Al was too mean or demented to die but off Al went to that big end zone in the sky. Here's a picture of Al in his younger days putting a hex on the opposing team.

And, it seems the year left the best for last. Kim Jong Il - he was on our Death list more than once so of course he kicks it this year when we left him off. That seems to happen to us a lot. We had Amy Winehouse on our list last year too. The lesson here is to stay on our list and you will live. Here' a great picture of Il just relaxing on vacation - it's nice to think of old Il when he was happy and carefree while starving all the people in North Korea:

We have not yet been able to figure out just how Zsa Zsa is hanging on. We think she is really dead and her strange hu
sband, Prince whatever the hell his name is, has her preserved somewhere in the mansion so he can maintain that crazy Hollywood lifestyle he is accustomed to. We've been saving this clip for when Zsa Zsa gives up the ghost but we'll share it in anxious anticipation of the actual event:
And how is Billy Graham hanging on? And Etta James? And Jerry Lewis? (is there anything wrong with Jerry? Why does Carol hate him?)
All of us did get on the board with at least one death, except for David, Susan and Carolyn. Carolyn was so close - just one Dugger baby away from really racking up the points! Better luck next year! I'm sure another Dugger baby will come along. (sorry - kind of sick, but there are like 40 or 50 of them)
That's it poolers! Good luck in 2012!